Hver eru á bak við KakóGull?


Við erum Tinna og Jakob, hjón sem reka litla kakóvefverslun hér á Íslandi, KakóGull. 
Við erum algjörlega heilluð af hreinu kakói, hvað það hefur gert fyrir okkur og hvað það hefur gert fyrir ótal aðra. Við trúum einlæglega að þessi dásamlega planta hafi djúpa, jákvæða krafta sem geta umbreytt lífum á ótrúlegustu vegu.

Allt byrjaði þetta þegar við fórum í okkar fyrstu kakóathöfn. Það var ýmislegt sem hefði getað komið í veg fyrir að við færum í þessa athöfn, bíllinn okkar var í ólagi, það var kalt og dimmt íslenskt vetrarkvöld, og við vorum bæði á frekar þungum stað. Það var ýmislegt krefjandi í gangi í lífum okkar, orkan var lág, og allt virtist einvhernvegin vera erfiðara en það þurfti að vera. En einhvern veginn fór það svo að við mættum í þessa kakóathöfn. Athöfnin sjálf var ekki alveg eins og við höfðum búist við—hún var ekki lífsbreytandi í sjálfri sér—en eitthvað breyttist innra með okkur eftir á. Við fundum fyrir meiri léttleika, bjartsýni, opnun og lífið virtist allt í einu ekki vera eins þungt og krefjandi og áður.

Þetta vakti hjá okkur forvitni og við ákváðum að kafa dýpra. Við fórum að prófa mismunandi tegundir af kakó frá mismunandi stöðum úr heiminum, drukkum það reglulega, og fljótlega varð þessi magnaði og dásamlegi drykkur hluti af lífi okkar.

Eftir því sem við lærðum meira um hreina kakóið uppgötvuðum við að kostir þessarar ofurfæðu virðast óendanlegir. Hvort sem það er að auka orku, bæta skap, auka sköpunarkraft, dýpka sambönd eða styðja næringarþarfir, þá hefur kakó einstakan hæfileika til að koma fólki í jafnvægi og tengja það við sjálft sig og aðra á dýpri hátt.

Þannig fæddist KakóGull. Okkur fannst við vera kölluð til að deila þessari einstöku gjöf og gera hana aðgengilega fyrir fleiri. Markmið okkar er skýrt: að deila umbreytandi krafti fyrsta flokks hátíðar-kakós með Íslendingum og víðar, svo sem flestir geti upplifað gleðina og heilunina sem það færir.

Með kakó-kærleikskveðjum

Tinna & Jacob   

100% Cacao couple ceremony

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What Is Cacao Ceremony?

Modern cacao ceremonies aren’t about recreating ancient rituals but about connecting with cacao in a way that feels meaningful today. At its heart, cacao ceremony is an opportunity to approach cacao with gratitude, intention, and reciprocity—whether as a solo practice or in a group. By preparing and drinking ceremonial cacao mindfully, we open ourselves to profound experiences that go beyond enjoying it as a delicious beverage. Cacao gently supports us in reconnecting with our hearts, fostering clarity, and living with purpose. Through this sacred relationship, we honor cacao’s origins, contribute to its future, and weave ourselves into the greater web of life. Ready to start your journey? Try our Cacao and discover the magic for yourself.

What Is Ceremonial Cacao?

Ceremonial cacao is a premium-grade, pure cacao crafted for mindful, intentional use. Made from whole cacao beans with nothing added or removed, it’s sourced ethically from small family farms practicing regenerative agroforestry. Unlike commercial chocolate, ceremonial cacao honors its origins and is designed to support deeper connections with yourself and the natural world.

Each step in its creation, from farming to the gentle roasting and grinding process, is approached with care and respect for the Earth and its communities. Drinking ceremonial cacao with gratitude transforms it into more than just a beverage—it becomes a bridge to reciprocity, inviting you to pause, connect, and embrace the wisdom cacao offers.

At Kakogull, we’re proud to provide the highest-quality ceremonial cacao, crafted with integrity and intention, so you can experience its full richness. Try it today and discover why it’s considered medicine for the heart, body, and spirit.

Cacao Powder vs Ceremonial Cacao?

When it comes to chocolate, not all cacao is created equal. Many people turn to cocoa powder, unaware that it’s an industrial byproduct missing the vital nutrients found in whole food chocolate. Unlike ceremonial cacao, cocoa powder is stripped of its natural cacao butter during processing, often starting with low-quality beans and leaving behind a less nutritious product.

Ceremonial cacao, on the other hand, is a minimally processed whole food made from premium cacao beans with nothing added or removed. It retains its natural cacao butter, a crucial carrier for cacao’s medicinal properties, ensuring your body fully absorbs its benefits. The difference is undeniable—try making a drink with cocoa powder versus ceremonial cacao, and you’ll immediately taste and feel the richness and nourishment of the latter.

Investing in ceremonial cacao isn’t just about superior taste and health benefits; it also supports ethical farming and honors cacao’s spirit as a true plant medicine. Treat yourself to the vibrant, whole food experience of ceremonial cacao—you’ll never look back!

Cacao as a Coffee replacement?

Energize with Cacao Instead of Coffee

Ceremonial cacao offers a grounded, sustained energy boost without the jitters or crash that often come with coffee. Unlike caffeine, which can create a quick spike followed by a crash, cacao provides a gentle, long-lasting lift that nourishes both body and mind. The natural compounds in cacao support focus and clarity, while its rich nutritional profile works to balance mood and boost vitality. This makes ceremonial cacao not only a perfect alternative to coffee but a healthier choice for those seeking an embodied and more harmonious energy throughout the day. Try it and experience a smoother, more centered way to energize your body and spirit!

Cacao as a Mood enhancer?

Better Mood Through Cacao

Ceremonial cacao has a notable impact on mood, thanks to its natural neurotransmitters and neuro-modulators. It contains compounds like anandamide, phenylethylamine (PEA), serotonin, and dopamine, which support emotional well-being and help maintain a positive mood. Cacao also includes reuptake inhibitors that extend the benefits of these mood-enhancing molecules. By increasing blood flow and relaxing the muscular system, cacao can bring a sense of grounding and balance. Over time, regular use of ceremonial cacao may help reinforce neural pathways that foster feelings of joy, presence, and connection. Many cacao drinkers report an uplifting and expansive experience, as well as greater emotional clarity. Cacao can be a powerful tool for supporting mental well-being when used as part of a balanced lifestyle.

How Much Cacao Should I Use?

For a regular, uplifting cup of cacao, try using 10-30g. If you're preparing cacao for a ceremony or a more potent experience, you might want to increase this amount to 35-42g. Keep in mind that the right amount depends on how you feel and what you're aiming for—whether it's a gentle boost or a more profound experience of connection and clarity.

Which Cacao is Best for Beginners?

If you're new to drinking cacao, any variety we offer can be a great starting point! For simplicity, you might want to try the chopped cacao from Colombia, which dissolves quickly into hot liquid. If you’re interested in something with a bit of spice and sweetness, the Mayan blend from Guatemala might be a fun option, as it’s pre-mixed with spices and panela, a type of raw sugar. Both are easy to prepare and allow you to experience the natural richness of cacao without overwhelming your senses.

When is the Best Time of Day to Drink Cacao?

The timing of your cacao consumption can depend on your personal needs. For those looking for energy and focus, morning or early afternoon is ideal, as cacao provides a smooth, sustained energy boost without the jitters or crash. If you're seeking relaxation, meditation, or a moment of introspection, cacao can be enjoyed later in the day or in the evening. Larger portions may offer more energizing effects, while smaller amounts can have a more grounding, soothing impact. Listen to your body to determine the best time for you!

What are the Benefits of Cacao?

Cacao is full of beneficial compounds that can elevate your mood, increase your energy, and promote overall well-being. It contains theobromine, a mild stimulant that increases blood flow and stimulates the heart, providing a more gentle energy boost than caffeine. It also contains phenylethylamine, which supports the release of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine—neurotransmitters that enhance mood, motivation, and well-being. These compounds work together to create a feeling of calm energy, positivity, and focus. Cacao can also be a natural mood booster, helping with stress relief, focus, and relaxation.

Are there Considerations before drinking Cacao?

While cacao offers numerous health benefits, it’s important to note that everyone’s body responds differently. Some people may experience heightened sensitivity to cacao’s effects, especially if they have existing heart conditions or are sensitive to certain neurotransmitters. It’s also essential to stay hydrated when drinking cacao, as it can have a dehydrating effect. As always, listen to your body and adjust your cacao consumption accordingly. If you're on medication or have health concerns, consulting with a healthcare provider before incorporating cacao into your routine is a wise decision.