100% Organic Cacao from Peru (500g)
100% Organic Cacao from Peru (500g)
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kr7,490 ISK
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kr7,490 ISK
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100% Organic cacao from unroasted cacao beans from Peru.
From smallholder farmers in the Amazon region of Peru
Use for ceremonial cacao or other delicious beverages, DIY chocolate, in smoothie, baking or cooking
The Peruvian raw cacao is a true natural product and is something for real raw cacao lovers. Due to the minimal processing of the cocoa beans, they retain their original cocoa flavor and the mass has a slightly grainy consistency. The comparatively bitter-sour and earthy taste brings the power of the cocoa plant directly into your home. Here the difference between conventional, sweetened chocolate and the primal power of raw cocoa becomes particularly clear.
The flavoursome Peruvian cacao is grown by smallholder farmers in the Amazon region around Pucallpa. The farmers are supported by teaching them about agroforestry, ecological cultivation, fermentation and drying techniques.Furthermore, thanks to Fairtrade certification, we can be sure that all the farmers involved in growing the precious cacao trees receive fair wages for their work. Following the harvest (high season from April to December) the cacao beans are being collected from the different cooperatives and transported to the processing facilities in Cajarmarca in north-western Peru. There the cacao beans get transformed into raw cacao nibs, butter, powder and paste. All the production, from the seed to the packaging of the final product takes place in Peru with great emphasis on high quality food standards as well as social and ecological aspects.
INGREDIENTS: 100% pure, organic cacao
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100% hreint og lífrænt kakó úr óristuðum kakóbaunum frá Perú!
*FRÍTT að senda pantanir fyrir 19.500kr eða meira!*
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Frá smábændum á Amazon svæðinu í Perú
Tillögur að notkun: Seremóníukakó eða aðrir ljúfir drykkir, heimagert súkkulaði, í þeytinginn, bakstur eða eldamennskuna
Kakóbaunirnar fara í gegnum lágmarks vinnsluferli og halda þess vegna sínu upphaflega kakóbragði. Bragðið er tiltölulega biturt/súrt jarðar bragð sem færir þér beint kraft kakósins. Massinn hefur örlítið kornótta áferð
Hið bragðmikla kakó frá Perú er ræktað af smábændum í Amazon í kringum Pucallpa. Stuðningur er við bændur og þeim kennt um skógrækt, vistvæna ræktun, gerjun og þurrkunaraðferðir. Kakóið er Fairtrade og öll framleiðsla frá fræi til lokavöru fer fram í Perú.
INNIHALD: 100% hreint kakó
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